Financial support for animal protection and conservation
Pettos are game characters that can be mythical or real animals. In the case of real animals, we are creating a specific category of “Ultra Rare” animals and exist as limited characters throughout the entire game. The availability of the Ultra Rare characters is based on the IUCN list for critically endangered species. Every game character which is based on an endangered species is ultra rare and only available in the exact number of the animals remaining in the wild. With this approach we want to raise the problem awareness and the value for such characters at the same time. The game character selection process is a crucial part of our approach. We are using the information provided by the IUCN and the “Red List of Threatened Species”, to determine the status and availability of each species.
Endangered species will represent the most unique and rare game characters in the whole Pettoverse. The initial simple gameplay of nurturing the acquired pet will evolve into a social game experience where the players can interact with their pettos and participate in different in-game activities. Through that additional financial support can be created for animal conservation.
For example, there are only 370 Sumatra Tigers left on the planet. In this case, the game would only have 370 of the specific tiger characters, and the proceeds from the game character sales would be directed to selected animal conservation organizations.